We will be completing the Aviaton Merit Badge on Sunday, November 5th at 9am. If you already took the classroom portion of the Merit Badge, make sure that you sign up, so you can finish it up. If you didn't take the classroom part, but would like to do the Merit Badge, sign up and we will see if we are able to accommodate you for the flight portion.
For scouts: If you are interested in SPL or Den Chief Training then the Training Academy is for you. For adults and adult leaders there are several hundred classes that you can choose from and you have 5 sessions available. For more information go to the calendar entry for Saturday November 11.
If you would like to sign up, you must self register and pay with the link provided at the bottom. If we have several sign up, we can work on a car pool. Just email me if you are interested. Mark Rafferty at eyedr2020@gmail.com
Just a reminder that if you are late to a Troop Meeting and you want to get credit for attending you will need to let the Scribe know so he can mark you as attended. The Scribe (Carson) normally takes roll at about 10 minutes after the start of the meeting.